Taliesin, Swansea
Mae Wolverine yn gwella o'i anafiadau pan ddaw ben-ben â'r Deadpool uchel ei gloch. Maen nhw'n dod at ei gilydd i drechu gelyn cyffredin a diogelu'r aml-fydysawd. Fel dangosiad Croeso i Fyfyrwyr, mae tocynnau AM DDIM i holl fyfyrwyr Prifysgol Abertawe
Wolverine is recovering from his injuries when he crosses paths with the loudmouth Deadpool. They team up to defeat a common enemy and safeguard the multiverse. As a Student Welcome Screening, tickets are FREE for all Swansea University Students
Taliesin, Swansea University , Singleton Campus, Swansea SA2 8PZ