Taliesin, Swansea
Adapted from the bestselling memoir by Amy Liptrot and firsthand account of her intimate and personal struggle with alcoholism.
Rona, fresh out of rehab, returns to the wild Orkney Islands after more than a decade away, living life on the edge in London. As she reconnects with the dramatic landscape where she grew up, memories of her childhood merge with the more recent challenging events that have set her on the path to recovery.
‘An inspired surprise: a portrait of addiction and recovery both visceral and lyrical, reflective and electric.’ Danny Leigh, Financial Times
Wedi’i addasu o lyfr hynod boblogaidd Amy Liptrot a chofnod personol o'i brwydr hynod bersonol ag alcoholiaeth.
A hithau newydd adael clinig adsefydlu, mae Rona yn dychwelyd i'r Ynysoedd Erch gwyllt ar ôl mwy na degawd i ffwrdd yn byw bywyd i'r eithaf yn Llundain. Wrth iddi ailgysylltu â'r dirwedd ddramatig lle cafodd ei magu, mae atgofion o'i phlentyndod yn cydblethu â'r digwyddiadau heriol mwy diweddar sydd wedi'i rhoi ar ben ffordd i wella.
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Taliesin, Swansea University , Singleton Campus, Swansea SA2 8PZ