Taliesin, Swansea
New York, early 1960s. Against the backdrop of a vibrant music scene and tumultuous cultural upheaval, an enigmatic 19-year-old from Minnesota arrives in the West Village with his guitar and revolutionary talent, destined to change the course of American music. As he forms his most intimate relationships during his rise to fame, he grows restless with the folk movement and, refusing to be defined, makes a controversial choice that culturally reverberates worldwide.
An electric true story behind the rise of one of the most iconic singer-songwriters in history.
'Timothée Chalamet acts and sings the young Bob Dylan to showstopping perfection, catching the mystery man in the exhilarating act of inventing himself as multitudes, always creating and always in the wind' Peter Travers, ABC News
'With standout performances from Chalamet, Barbaro, and Norton, combined with Mangold’s assured direction, it’s a film that captures a moment in time where anything felt possible.' Linda Marric, HeyUGuys
Efrog Newydd, dechrau'r 1960au. Mewn sîn gerddorol fywiog a chynnwrf diwylliannol cythryblus, mae llanc 19 oed enigmatig o Minnesota yn cyrraedd West Village gyda'i gitâr a'i dalent chwyldroadol fydd yn newid hynt cerddoriaeth Americanaidd am byth. Wrth iddo feithrin ei berthnasoedd mwyaf clos ac ennill enwogrwydd, mae'n datblygu'n fwyfwy anniddig gyda'r mudiad gwerin ac yn penderfynu gwneud dewis dadleuol sy'n atseinio'n ddiwylliannol ar hyd a lled y byd.
Stori wirioneddol drydanol y tu ôl i ddatblygiad un o'r cantorion-gyfansoddwyr mwyaf eiconig erioed.
Taliesin, Swansea University , Singleton Campus, Swansea SA2 8PZ