Taliesin, Swansea
The Brit Rock Film Tour 2024 program presents a stunning line-up of the UK’s best climbing and adventure films. Three superb films capturing all the action, wild characters and stunning locations in truly inspiring stories.
Nose Job - Alex Waterhouse and Billy Ridal are two recently retired competition climbers that attempt to apply their indoor skills to real rock in the most extra-ordinary fashion. With almost no traditional climbing experience and barely a multi-pitch climb between them, our audacious duo set out to be the first Britons to make a free ascent of the world famous Nose on El Capitan, Yosemite. The route was first climbed by Lynn Hill in 1993 and has subsequently only received eight ascents in 30 years. To say the odds were stacked against them would be an understatement comparable in size to the route itself. Hold tight as the action-packed movie tracks this most unlikely of journeys to success. Features contributions from Lynn Hill, Hans Florine and Leo Houlding.
Mae Alex Waterhouse a Billy Ridal, dau ddringwr cystadleuaethau sydd newydd ymddeol yn ddiweddar, yn ceisio defnyddio eu sgiliau dan do ar graig go iawn yn y modd mwyaf anhygoel. Gyda braidd dim profiad o ddringo traddodiadol, aeth ein deuawd feiddgar ati i fod y Prydeinwyr cyntaf i ddringo'r El Capitan byd-enwog yn Yosemite. Dringwyd y llwybr am y tro cyntaf gan Lynn Hill ym 1993, a dim ond wyth arall sydd wedi dringo'r graig mewn 30 mlynedd ers hynny. Byddai sawl un yn dweud bod maint yr her o'u blaenau cymaint â maint y llwybr ei hun. Felly, daliwch yn dynn wrth i'r ffilm llawn cyffro ddilyn eu hôl traed mwyaf annisgwyl i lwyddiant. Yn cynnwys cyfraniadau gan Lynn Hill, Hans Florine a Leo Houlding.
CLIMBING BLIND II - Following on from our first film ‘Climbing Blind’ (2019) where we see blind climber Jesse Dufton and sight guide Molly Dufton ascend the iconic Old Man of Hoy, this film picks up the story of Jesse’s incredible climbing career. Born with a rare genetic disease; retinitis pigmentosa, Jesse no longer receives any useful information from his eyes. Despite this Jesse’s climbing has continued to progress. As well as competing on the para-circuit and making first ascents in Morocco, Jesse has managing to on-sight several E2’s. This season Jesse’s ambition is set on a successful on-sight of an E3 and chooses the infamous ‘El Matador’ rated 5.10d (E3/4) on the spell-binding Devil’s Tower in Wyoming, USA. What unfolds is one of the most remarkable feats of persistence and human endeavour you will ever witness. As terrifying as it is inspiring; Jesse takes several leader falls on-route to the summit in a gruelling encounter of the blind kind. If adversity in life presents an opportunity to grow, then look no further than our movie Climbing Blind II.
Yn dilyn ein ffilm gyntaf 'Climbing Blind' (2019) lle gwelwn y dringwr dall Jesse Dufton a'r tywysydd golwg Molly Dufton yn esgyn yr eiconig Old Man of Hoy, mae'r ffilm hon yn dilyn hanes gyrfa anhygoel Jesse fel dringwr. Wedi'i eni gyda chlefyd genetig prin; retinitis pigmentosa, dyw Jesse ddim yn derbyn unrhyw wybodaeth ddefnyddiol gan ei lygaid mwyach. Er gwaethaf hyn, mae gyrfa ddringo Jesse wedi parhau tua'r brig. Yn ogystal â chystadlu ar y lefel para-gylched a dringfeydd tro cyntaf ym Moroco, mae Jesse wedi llwyddo i ddringo sawl craig gradd E2. Uchelgais Jesse y tymor hwn yw taclo gradd E3 ac mae'n dewis yr enwog 'El Matador' sydd â sgôr 5.10d (E3/4) ar Devil's Tower yn Wyoming, UDA. Yr hyn sy'n datblygu yw un o'r campau mwyaf rhyfeddol o ddyfalbarhad ac ymdrech ddynol a welwch chi erioed. Yn frawychus ac ysbrydoledig yr un pryd; mae Jesse'n ein gadael ar flaen ein seddau wrth wynebu sawl cwymp tua'r copa. Os yw adfyd mewn bywyd yn rhoi cyfle i rywun ffynnu, yna edrychwch ddim pellach na'n ffilm Climbing Blind II.
FREJA'S BACK - All-round climber Freja Shannon is back again for 2024. In the late alpine season of 2023 Freja took a serious fall on the committing North Face of the Droites in the French Alps resulting in a broken back. This film tells Freja’s story of initial horror and doubts to a full physical recovery. In Freja’s inimitable style and despite the physio’s prognosis, Freja returns to walking and then climbing in an unusually short time frame. We follow the ups and downs of Freja’s rehabilitation, go on a near calamitous ascent of The Forbes Arete (Aiguille du Chardonnet) which sets up the main objective in the Swiss Alps. Here Freja attempts an ascent of ‘Ave Ceasar’ an immaculate 7c trad route on the spectacular Petit Clocher du Portalet. Whilst physically recovered, as the story transpires it seems the psychological aspects of such a traumatic event may take more time to heal.
Mae'r dringwr Freja Shannon yn ôl eto ar gyfer 2024. Yn hwyr yn nhymor alpaidd 2023, cafodd Freja gwymp difrifol ar wyneb gogleddol y Droites yn Alpau Ffrainc gan dorri ei chefn. Mae'r ffilm hon yn adrodd stori Freja, o'r braw cychwynnol i’r amheuon ynghylch adferiad corfforol llwyr. Yn null dihafal Freja ac er gwaethaf prognosis y ffisiotherapydd, mae Freja yn dychwelyd i gerdded ac yna dringo mewn amser anarferol o fyr. Dilynwn uchafbwyntiau ac isafbwyntiau adferiad Freja, wrth iddi fentro i ddringo Arête Forbes (Aiguille du Chardonnet), a fu bron a bod yn drychinebus, sy'n ei pharatoi ar gyfer ei phrif nod yn Alpau'r Swistir. Yma mae Freja yn ceisio esgyn 'Ave Ceasar', llwybr 7c yn ysblander Petit Clocher du Portalet. Er ei bod wedi gwella'n gorfforol, mae'n ymddangos y gallai agweddau seicolegol digwyddiad mor ysgytiol gymryd cryn amser i wella.
Taliesin, Swansea University , Singleton Campus, Swansea SA2 8PZ