10 April
Taliesin, Swansea
10 April 2025
'...a sumptuous instrumental melange of virtuosic stringed magic' Nigel Williamson, Uncut Magazine
Dublin native Aoife Ní Bhriain is one of Ireland's foremost traditional fiddle players and a classical violinist of international stature who commands both the classical world and her Irish traditional heritage. From across the Irish Sea and the west coast of Wales, harpist Catrin Finch has also built an impressive classical career and ventured into uncharted musical territory, most notably through her award-winning international collaborations.
Finch and Ní Bhriain create a spellbinding musical dialogue where traditional and contemporary elements converge in a breathtaking celebration of musical synergy, taking listeners on a captivating journey on the wings of the bees across the Irish Sea, inspired by the cultures of their home countries.
Their debut album Double You hit #1 in the iTunes Classical Charts and the World Music Charts Europe, #2 in the Transglobal World Music Charts, and received nominations for 'Best Album' in the 6th RTÉ Radio 1 Folk Awards and 'Best European Album' in the Songlines Music Awards 2024.
‘Both astonishing musicians individually, as a duo they connect on an almost transcendent level, bringing their classical knowledge and folk heritage together to create a work of breadth and beauty, inspired by Bach, bees, mathematics and wanderlust’ Ellen Cranitch, RTÉ
‘A special connection between two ace musicians’ Mark Radcliffe, BBC Radio 2 Folk Show
Mae Aoife Ní Bhriain, sy’n hanu o Ddulyn, yn un o ffidlwyr traddodiadol mwyaf blaenllaw Iwerddon ac yn feiolinydd clasurol o statws rhyngwladol sy’n feistrolgar ym maes cerddoriaeth glasurol a cherddoriaeth ei threftadaeth draddodiadol Wyddelig. Ar draws Môr Iwerddon, ar arfordir gorllewinol Cymru, mae’r delynores Catrin Finch hefyd wedi llunio gyrfa glasurol drawiadol ac wedi mentro i dir cerddorol newydd, yn fwyaf nodedig trwy ei chydweithrediadau rhyngwladol gwobrwyedig.
Mae Finch a Ní Bhriain yn creu deialog gerddorol swynol lle mae elfennau traddodiadol a chyfoes yn dod at ei gilydd mewn dathliad syfrdanol o gydweithrediad cerddorol, gan dywys gwrandawyr ar daith hudolus ar adenydd y gwenyn ar draws Môr Iwerddon, wedi’i hysbrydoli gan ddiwylliannau eu dwy wlad enedigol.
Mae eu halbwm debut Double You wedi cyrraedd #1 yn Siartiau Clasurol iTunes a Siartiau Cerddoriaeth y Byd Ewrop, #2 yn Siartiau Cerddoriaeth Byd Transglobal, a derbyniodd enwebiadau ar gyfer yr ‘Albwm Gorau’ yn 6ed Gwobrau Gwerin Radio 1 RTÉ, ac ‘Albwm Gorau Ewrop’ yng Ngwobrau Cerddoriaeth Songlines 2024.
Taliesin, Swansea University , Singleton Campus, Swansea SA2 8PZ
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