Taliesin, Swansea
After an absence of 16 years, Polish trio Kroke returned to the UK in 2023 to give audiences old and new an extraordinary live musical experience that led to multiple standing ovations, some as early as the interval.
Delivering an exquisite mix of modern Polish, klezmer, contemporary jazz and chamber classical music, Kroke’s genre defying art is still at a peak after a stunning 30+ year career that has attracted attention and collaboration from renowned artists and audiences the world over, including Nigel Kennedy, Steven Spielberg and Peter Gabriel.
Formed in 1992 by three graduates of the Academy of Music in Krakow, Kroke (Yiddish for Kraków) return to the UK in 2025 to perform a 'best of' performance of their most popular tracks. Expect influences from the worlds of jazz, contemporary and ethnic music imbued with their own stunning improvisations, all wrapped in the trio’s unique style that delivers an unforgettable musical treat.
'Kroke, a klezmer band from Poland are gems. ….. they move beyond the rumbustious towards an epic sound that’s sometimes histrionic but also deeply moving. To boot, they are the coolest-looking act in town' Womad on Kroke
'What drags me into Kroke’s music so successfully is this spiritual reality they have… it’s honesty and sincerity in their music.' Nigel Kennedy
'Kroke live are a hair-raisingly brilliant, unforgettable experience.' Jon Lusk, BBC Radio 3
Ar ôl absenoldeb o 16 mlynedd, dychwelodd Kroke, y triawd o Wlad Pwyl i’r DU yn 2023 i roi profiad cerddorol byw rhyfeddol i gynulleidfaoedd hen a newydd a arweiniodd at y gynulleidfa’n codi ar ei thraed mewn cymeradwyaeth ar sawl achlysur, gan wneud hynny mor gynnar â’r egwyl.
Gan gyflwyno cymysgedd godidog o gerddoriaeth fodern Bwylaidd, klezmer, jazz cyfoes a cherddoriaeth glasurol siambr, mae celfyddyd Kroke yn herio genres. At hynny, mae’n dal i fod ar ei hanterth ar ôl gyrfa syfrdanol dros 30 mlynedd sydd wedi denu sylw gan artistiaid enwog a chynulleidfaoedd ledled y byd, ac wedi arwain at gydweithio gyda rhai fel Nigel Kennedy, Steven Spielberg a Peter Gabriel.
Wedi'i ffurfio ym 1992 gan dri o raddedigion yr Academi Gerddoriaeth yn Krakow, mae Kroke (Iddeweg am Kraków) yn dychwelyd i'r DU yn 2025 i roi perfformiad o’r 'goreuon' o'u traciau mwyaf poblogaidd. Disgwyliwch ddylanwadau o fydoedd jazz, cerddoriaeth gyfoes ac ethnig wedi’u trwytho â’u gwaith byrfyfyr syfrdanol eu hunain, y cyfan wedi’i lapio mewn arddull unigryw’r triawd sy’n cyflwyno gwledd gerddorol fythgofiadwy.
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Taliesin, Swansea University , Singleton Campus, Swansea SA2 8PZ