Taliesin, Swansea
Filmmaker Stephanie Johnes follows the incredible and inspirational story of Brazilian big wave surfer Maya Gabeira in her award-winning documentary.
When Maya, having always dreamed of surfing giant waves, attempts to surf the infamous big wave of Nazaré, Portugal, and nearly drowns in the process, it is the beginning of an arduous and inspiring story.
But Maya has the blood of a rebel: her father is legendary activist and politician Fernando Gabeira, and with his same radical spirit, Maya endures.
Three spinal surgeries and five years later, on 18th January 2018 an unprecedented storm approaches Nazaré and Maya surfs the biggest wave a woman has ever surfed. When her accomplishment is disregarded, she must fight the misogyny and cynicism of the sport to gain the recognition she deserves.
Becoming the first female surfer honoured with a Guinness Book World Record, Maya goes on to become the first woman to compete in the men’s division of a big wave competition, surfing the biggest wave of the year, breaking the very world record she set.
In the footsteps of Billie Jean King, she has achieved a rare moment in sports – outperforming all men and showing the world that women are capable of anything.
‘A mix of fly-on-the-wall material with archive footage and interviews, Maya And The Wave is a by-turns exhilarating and infuriating exploration of how, for a woman, talent is often not enough to cut through.’ Nikki Baughan, Screen International
‘Stephanie Johnes’s crowd-pleasing documentary tracks Gabeira’s triumph over industry sexism and a catastrophic wipeout that nearly cost her career and her life. Stirring stuff.’ Wendy Ide, Observer
Mae'r gwneuthurwr ffilmiau Stephanie Johnes yn dilyn stori anhygoel ac ysbrydoledig Maya Gabeira, syrffiwr tonnau mawr o Frasil, yn ei ffilm ddogfen o fri.
Mae Maya wedi breuddwydio am syrffio tonnau mawr y môr erioed, ond pan mae'n ceisio taclo ton enfawr Nazaré, Portiwgal, a bron â boddi wrth wneud hynny, mae'n gychwyn stori lafurus ac ysbrydoledig.
Ond mae gwaed y rebel yn llifo trwy ei gwythïennau: mae'n ferch i'r ymgyrchydd a'r gwleidydd chwedlonol Fernando Gabeira, a gyda'i ysbryd radicalaidd yntau, mae Maya yn dal ati.
Tair llawdriniaeth i'r asgwrn cefn a phum mlynedd yn ddiweddarach, mae storm heb ei thebyg yn nesáu at Nazaréar ar 18 Ionawr 2018, ac mae Maya’n syrffio'r don fwyaf erioed i fenyw ei thaclo. Pan fydd eraill yn diystyru ei champ, rhaid iddi frwydro yn erbyn misogyniaeth a sinigiaeth i ennill cydnabyddiaeth haeddiannol.
Maya yw’r syrffiwr benywaidd cyntaf i gael ei hanrhydeddu â Record Byd Llyfr Guinness, ac mae’n mynd ymlaen i gystadlu – fel y fenyw gyntaf – yn adran y dynion mewn cystadleuaeth tonnau mawr, gan syrffio ton fwya'r flwyddyn a thorri'r union record byd a osodwyd ganddi yn y lle cyntaf.
Yn ôl troed Billie Jean King, mae hi wedi cyflawni moment brin mewn chwaraeon – perfformio'n well na phob dyn a dangos i'r byd bod unrhyw beth yn bosibl i fenywod.
Taliesin, Swansea University , Singleton Campus, Swansea SA2 8PZ