Taliesin, Swansea
When he acquires a different kind of show for his station, a sleazy cable-TV programmer begins to see his life and the future of media spin out of control in a terrifying new reality.
‘’’Videodrome" is a radical look at the deep-web, YouTube, screen addiction and the increasingly violent state of movies at a time when such subjects weren't up for cultural debate.’ Asher Luberto, culturevulture.net
‘The director captures the worst-case scenario of what might happen at the dawn of the video era, going all the way back to our parents' warning us not to sit too close to the television.’ Jeffrey M. Anderson, Combustible Celluloid
‘A showcase for some of the most unforgettable special makeup effects work ever to see a movie screen.’ Bryant Frazer, Bryant Frazer's Deep Focus
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Taliesin, Swansea University , Singleton Campus, Swansea SA2 8PZ